For December, I’m presenting a host of prizes for the winner:
- $75 cash (in the form of an Amazon gift certificate)
- Trophy–A crocheted rocket.
- The rocket pictured above is the trophy.
- From nose cone to the yellow flames, it stretches just over 5 inches.
- A Twitter banner–or use wherever you like–pronouncing you the winner of the December Contest.
- Listing in the Circle of Champions on this website, including your social media contacts and website link, if you’d like to share them.
- Lots and lots and lots of promotion on Twitter. (I go a little crazy.)
- Other opportunities to mix and mingle with my other Champions and join them in special projects. (Check out my current special project exclusive to my Circle of Champions.)
How can I be a part of this contest Mr matthew
Dear Mustapha,
If you would like to enter the contest, all you have to do is read the contest beginning, write your own ending in 500 words or less, and post it on the contest page ( Or if you have trouble with posting your story ending on that page as a comment, then you can just e-mail me your story ending at
I look forward to seeing what you write!
Be stellar!
Matthew Cross
Twitter: @mattcrosswrites